GIS Viewer Functionality

View and query standard GIS file formats such as shapefiles and KML files.

Combine vector, digital terrain model, web map services and image layers in a single project.

Use Web Map Services, such as Google Maps and Open Streetview within your maps.

Edit vector and attribute data.

Create thematic queries, such as shading objects on the map according to text or numeric values.

Find and query features on the map.

Geographic selections, such as within a radius or a polygon.

Link geographical features to external data, such as spreadsheets and relational databases such as Access, SQL/Server, Oracle and MySQL.

Attach images and documents to geographical features, and retrieve these at a click.

Collaborate within your team by sharing GIS data and geographical queries.

Save the output of the view as PDF or image formates such as PNG or JPEG files.

.NET Components for Developers

AardvarkGIS offers .NET developers (e.g. C# or Visual Basic) a set of GIS libraries and controls that allow you to embed GIS  capabilities in your web or desktop apps by means of a set of .NET libraries and user controls. The distribution of your apps or websites that contain our components is royalty-free. The components and libraries offer you low-level access to for example vector primitives.

External Data

Attach external data, such as Excel spreadsheets, SQL/Server, Oracle, MySQL or other relational database data, to GIS layers. Search for geographical entities by means of SQL statements against the underlying spreadsheet or database data. Create geographical selections and update external datasets using these selections. Export the attribute data of geographical selections to Excel spreadsheets. 


Network Analysis

Topology and connectivity checking for networks such as road and pipe networks.

Correct road network directions and connectivity

Calculate shortest routes in connected networks.

Calculate pipe flows in connected water, stormwater and sewer pipe networks.

Digital Terrain Modeling (DTM)

Create triangulated irregular networks (TINs) from control point data and perform DTM functions such as creating long sections or calculating earthworks toelines. Create contours and perform slope analysis.

Asset Management

Create and maintain GIS-based asset registers.

Attach condition data and images to GIS features, and create thematic maps of assets by condition category.

Link map features to your external asset management databases.

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